Pro x piston ring installation instructions
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a complete installation or instruction manual. Installation of this product should always be done by an experienced mechanic. **ProX pistons and rings are install the top ring. Failure to install rings from bottom of piston up will cause problems. Follow more elaborate instructions listed below. Looking at the instructions, they say that they go with the markings on top, but if i do that, they look different from the illustration. SPEED-PRO PISTON RINGS - INSTALLATION GUIDELINES -cont'd An increase in bore diameter of .002" increases the ring gap by .002" x 3.1416" = .00628".Notes: 1. The chart above is a general guideline. Each ring should be fitted to the particular cylinder in which they are to be installed Oil Ring Support Rail Installation · Install oil ring support rails on the bottom of the oil ring groove with the antirotational locking detent facing downward.
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